A Comprehensive Review of the Weight Loss Supplement-HB5 Hormonal Harmony

The Weight Loss Supplement-HB5 Hormonal Harmony

About the Product

The journey to weight loss is not an easy one. There are so many posts and videos by various weight loss programs that have different opinions on how best to go about your weight loss journey.

Sometimes the hardest part when one is trying to lose weight is doing research and sifting through online advice to choose the best plan to follow.

For you to burn excess fat and drop excess weight accumulated in your body you must know how to activate the body’s natural process. You can only succeed in losing excess weight when you fix the root of the problem.

Many people are under the misconception that losing weight is just a case of solving a simple mathematics problem, that ‘eating less and exercising more’ is all takes. That belief is wrong.

Scientists have proven that weight loss is linked to the hormones in our body. Most times when someone cannot lose weight it is because of a hormonal imbalance in the person’s body.

One of the greatest misconceptions people have about weight loss is probably the ‘calorie-in/calorie-out theory. Of course, we are not disregarding calories.

More to some people than others, calories matter, but hormones matter more and affect everyone. 90% of people who struggle with losing weight also struggle with hormone imbalance. Once your hormones are balanced you will be surprised at how fast and easy weight loss becomes.

Hormones are chemical messengers in our bodies that travel around our bloodstream telling organs and tissues what to do. They help control reproduction, metabolism, and many other major processes in our body.

Having hormonal imbalance means that you have too little or too much of a certain hormone. It might not seem so but even tiny changes in your hormones can affect your whole body.

Many people experience the effects of different medical problems such as weight gain when their hormones are imbalanced.

There are so many products in the market today that promise quick actions without delivering good results or that deliver only temporary results. This is where Hormonal Harmony HB-5 comes in.

What even is Hormonal Harmony HB-5? Put simply, it is a quick morning fix that helps unlock your hormones while aiding in weight loss. It is indeed revolutionary as it was made to locate the 5 hormonal blocks and unlock them to kick start weight loss.

HB5 was made with the concept that there are 5 major hormonal blocks in the body that are the cause of weight gain. These five hormones are Leptin, Estrogen, Thyroid, Cortisol, and Insulin. This formula regulates these hormones and seeks to help people meet their weight loss goals.

This review gives you a very comprehensive and detailed look into how Hormonal Harmony HB5 may help you reach your weight loss goal.


Lack of physical activity and overeating are not the only causes of weight loss. Most of the time too little or too much hormone can affect weight loss.

There are a lot of people that are still in the dark when it comes to the relationship between hormonal imbalance and weight loss. Some people may know only about thyroid and insulin imbalances but other subtle imbalances play a role in weight loss.

These people focus more on cutting calories and working out which inevitably leads to a lack of positive results in their weight loss journey. Having a healthy lifestyle is not always enough to help with the imbalance in the hormones in your body.

Hormonal Harmony HB5 is a dietary supplement that helps control the five hormones to aid in weight loss.

This product is for people above the age of 18 that wish to wake their hormones up, balance their hormones and lose weight. Also if you are unable to lose weight and you believe that your hormones are the issue behind it then this supplement is for you


Have you ever been in a situation where no matter how much you starve yourself or work out the excess weight just won’t come off?

Most times it is because of hormonal imbalance in your body. Hormonal imbalance does not just happen to one gender, it happens in everybody. Hormonal Harmony HB5 is a dietary supplement that aims to ‘unclog’ five hormones: Cortisol hormones, leptin, insulin, thyroid, and estrogen.

Too much or too little of any of these hormones will make it hard for you to lose weight. HB5 makes sure that these hormones are kept at the best level for weight loss.


Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps control metabolism and blood sugar levels. However, too much of this hormone can cause rapid weight gain and can also shut down metabolism and digestion functions.

The more stressed someone is, the more the body produces cortisol hormone which will lead to the poor working of the brain, metabolism, and immune system.

HB5 works by lowering cortisol levels, reducing its production, and preventing the build-up of white harmful visceral fat that is found naturally in the body.

This supplement contains Red Ginseng root extract and Rhodiola Rosea which are potent plant extracts that help control/manage cortisol levels. The supplement also contains Bladderwrack and B12 which also accelerates the benefits of Hormonal Harmony HB5.


Leptin is known as the ‘fullness hormone’ because it signals the brain when one is done with eating.

This hormone tells your brain that it is full, which in turn tells you to stop eating by causing the reduction of your appetite.

This simply means that the body feels the urge to increase food intake once the leptin levels in your body decrease thereby increasing the risk of overeating.

Leptin production is increased when your body has an excess accumulation of fat due to thyroid, insulin, estrogen, and Cortisol hormones. This usually leads to leptin resistance which increases food cravings and addictions.

The brain can ignore messages because of increased levels of leptin which willing turn cause one to binge on junk foods and other foods bad for the body.

HB5 works to regulate the leptin level in your body and keep it at the optimal level to avoid deficient or excessive amounts of the hormone. Once you take this supplement it will cause the reduction of perceived hunger and facilitate weight loss.


Insulin is an important hormone in the prevention of excessive weight gain and diabetes.

It plays a major part in transforming food into fat issues. It also converts carbs into sugar before storing it as glycogen in muscles. It is excess glycogen with high insulin that stores as fat in the body. This hormone level should be managed to avoid the deposition of fat and diabetes.

Excess insulin leads to weight gain. HB5 contains cinnamon extract which has been proven to be very beneficial to the body. The cinnamon extract contains antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects.

It has prebiotic properties that improve gut health, reduces blood pressure, it has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties, and it lowers blood sugar and risk of diabetes.

HB5 controls the insulin level in the bloodstream and improves cholesterol and glucose levels. HB-5 uses cinnamon to control insulin levels and make them stay in a healthy range.


This is a gland that converts iodine into 2 thyroid hormones known as T3 and T4. These two thyroid hormones get released into the blood to regulate metabolism. These hormone transforms fat into energy and transmits it to your cells.

Lack of thyroid hormones in the body causes a lot of metabolic problems like an increase in fat storage, brain fog, and increased fatigue.

These hormones store fat and make you feel exhausted when they don’t function properly.

Thyroid hormones are very important as they determine total body weight. If you keep gaining weight despite eating healthy and exercising, chances are that you have slow metabolism caused by a lack of or an insufficient amount of these hormones.

Lack of iodine simply equates to an insufficient amount of T3 and T4 in your blood.

HB-5 contains magnesium, zinc, selenium, kelp, vitamin B12, bladderwrack, manganese, and copper which are ingredients rich in iodine. This helps manage the function of the thyroid gland.


Most people assume that estrogen is present only in women but it is also present in men. Too much or too little of this hormone is not good for the body. An increase in estrogen level can lead to weight gain and a decrease in the level can lead to weight loss resistance.

Decreased estrogen levels can cause visceral fat distribution in some key parts of the body like thighs, hips, and belly. It can also cause low libido, trouble sleeping in women, and hot flashes.

HB-5 has Diindolylmethane (DIM) which is a compound that maintains a healthy estrogen level in the body. A side benefit of this supplement is that since it contains estrogen it can also ease menstrual symptoms.

This supplement also contains vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli which are also rich in Diindolylmethane.


This hormone supplement does three major things.

1. It helps improve skin complexion by brightening and smoothing your skin

2. It facilitates weight loss which means you can finally have that body you have been dreaming about

3. It improves your mood and makes you more energetic.



1.This supplement manages the 5 unhealthy hormone blocks and facilitates weight loss. It simply wakes your hormone up and keeps it at the best level for easy and rapid weight loss.

2. HB-5 supplements also increase the energy level. Increased fat burning equals more usable energy being released. No more sluggish days for you, you will have more vigor to go about your day and do the things you want to do.

The increase in energy level will in turn bring positive effects to your outlook in life and your mental health. You will save the time you would have spent thinking about how to lose the stubborn weight. It can also help crush your anxiety and will make you sleep better.

3. HB-5 can help improve your mood and remove brain fog

People tend to have brain fog and are constantly in a bad mood when their hormones are unbalanced.

Once your hormone is balanced you will be more positive and alert.

4. The ingredients used in this supplement are natural and gathered from the purest locations. Most drugs these days are shady with shady ingredients and shady locations. With HB-5 you know exactly what you are getting which is very important.

5. The supplement helps increase your overall wellbeing and keep you healthy. There are so many dangers of being overweight or obese which are High blood pressure (Hypertension), High LDL cholesterol, stroke, coronary heart disease, etc. This supplement will reduce the chances of you getting these diseases.

6. It can help maintain correct hormone balance and prevent thyroid effects, diabetes worries, and irregular periods. Also, you won’t have to go through the disappointment of wasted diet and workout efforts caused by hormonal imbalance.

7. HB-5 also helps to lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels and improves brain health.

8. It leads to satisfaction and happiness from successful weight loss

9. It improves the condition of your skin. Estrogen helps in elasticity and is great for the skin.

10. It has a high level of antioxidants which helps repair damage to your body caused by free radicals.

Click here to Visit the Official Website and learn more about all the benefits of HB5-Hormonal Harmony



Rhodiola Rosea reduces stress and burns off excess fat. It grows in arctic regions only. Rhodiola Rosea improves mental performances, reduces fatigue and fatty acids in the bloodstream. It also regulates cortisol levels in the blood, stimulates fat burning, and prevents stress.


This root extract has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many years. It is an ingredient that increases weight loss. It can also prevent cortisol and stress.


This vitamin is also known as cobalamin. It is an essential vitamin that cannot be produced by our body even though we need it. It can be found in animal products, supplements, etc. It boosts energy, causes your metabolism to work harder, and improves memory


Bladderwrack with the scientific name fucus vesiculosus and other common names like rockweed, sea oak, cut weed, red fucus, etc. is a seaweed found on the coasts of the western Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. It is rich in iodine and controls cortisol levels healthily.


Broccoli and cauliflower are vegetables that are high in DIM. They regulate estrogen levels in the body.


Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that also maintains insulin levels in the blood. It balances estrogen levels and can reduce BMI.


African mangoes regulate the leptin hormone in the blood. It helps control leptin levels and improve body weight.


It is rich in iodine which helps provide the body with healthy levels of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. It also regulates metabolism.


It is found in vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli which balances the estrogen and progesterone and manages estrogen levels.







When it comes to ingredients, HB5 only uses the best and the most natural. Stimulants speed up mental and physical processes, causing an increased level of dopamine in the brain.

The effects only last for a short time and are not worth it. Most times stimulants cause side effects in hormone balance/boosting supplements. They mess with the body’s natural creation of essential hormones.

HB5 is an all-natural supplement that boosts hormone creation/production without interfering with the natural body processes.


HB-5 uses all-natural products which means that there are no side effects since the synthetic chemicals that cause side effects are not used in the production of the supplement. It may seem too good to be true but that is just how good the product is for the body.


There are thousands of reviews from customers that have shown that Hormonal Harmony HB-5 is completely safe. All the ingredients used in production are natural and of premium quality.

All the products are produced in FDA compliant and GMP- certified facilities based in America. You can be assured that your product is not contaminated as the facilities only employ the strictest rules during production.

HB5 was also sent to independent laboratories that tested the products for quality and purity of ingredients and safely of consumption of the formulation. Third-party laboratories further confirmed that HB5 helps in hormonal balance.

Want to learn more about Hormonal Harmony HB5 – Visit the Official Website Here…Hormonal Harmony HB5


HB5 has so many pros such as:_

The supplement supports hormonal balance.

The supplement makes you lose weight without the need for dieting or exercising.

HB-5 improves the state of mind and prevents mood swings

The supplement reduces uneasiness and unhappiness caused by hormonal imbalance.

The supplement has no side effects.

The ingredients are natural, high quality, and carefully picked.

A third-party Laboratory analyzed its purity and quality.

The supplement was formulated by following food safety rules.

There is a 100% money-back guarantee

The supplement is Non-GMO.

It’s no chemical fillers, artificial ingredients, and preservatives.

It is manufactured by GMP certified laboratories

It discourages overeating.

It increases energy level and enhances libido

The supplement improves skin complexion.


It is only available online

Some people may find it hard to take three capsules a day


HB5 is very convenient because it comes in capsule form. You don’t need to measure or prepare anything to consume this product.

All you have to do is pop a capsule in your mouth, wash it down with water and go on with your day!

It is recommended that you take 3 small capsules each day for fast results. You can take the supplement with or without eating.

Most people that have used this product swear by it and some new users claim they can feel the effects of the product just days after first use. If you want the best results the take HB5 for 30 days without any break.

Taking 1 bottle of HB5 will improve your immune system and help you lose weight. Each bottle of HB5 contains 30 days’ supply.

The longer you take HB5 the better your health will be so don’t just stop after a month.

You can still burn fat without dieting or exercising but if you want a more astounding effect then make sure you follow a proper diet and a good exercise program.

You can perform physical activities like weight lifting if you are interested in toning your muscles.


HB5 supplement formula was created to help wake the hormone of certain people. People that should not take this are

Individuals aged below 18 years old should not take this supplement. The effects of this supplement on children are not known.

Those that are allergic to any of the ingredients stated. If you are allergic to any of these ingredients then you should stay away from this supplement. If you feel you might be allergic to any of the stated ingredients then you should first consult your physician.

Pregnant and nursing women. How the supplement will affect the mother and baby is not known.

People take prescription medicine. If you are taking prescription medicines then you should not take the supplement without first talking to your physician about it. The supplement might bring more harm than good by messing up the mechanism of action of your prescribed medicine.

Those that have serious medical conditions. If you have serious medical conditions then refrain from taking this supplement. Make sure you get clearance from your doctor first before taking HB5.

Those that suspect they have an undiagnosed illness. It would be best for you to first seek medical advice before taking this supplement.


There are 90 capsules in a bottle and it costs about $69. The more bottles you buy the less expensive it gets. 3 bottles will cost you $59 each and when you purchase 6 bottles you will get them at $49 each.


Hormonal Harmony HB-5 is only available on the official website. The supplement comes in three different packages, and you can choose whichever package you want.

All you have to do is place your order and it will be shipped to you without much delay. Buying this supplement online ensures that it won’t be fake. You can only buy Hormonal Harmony HB-5 on the official website…Go Here.


Yes! Hormonal Harmony HB5 offers 180 Days money-back guarantee which is almost unheard of by other companies. If you use the product without stopping for 180 days and you don’t notice any change then the company will refund the money back to you.


We recommend this product! Relieving hormonal imbalance is very challenging, but Hormonal Harmony HB5 can do that easily.

This organic supplement is highly effective and aids in weight loss caused by hormonal imbalance without causing any side effects.

It is a supplement worth trying and it is hard to ignore such a good product especially if you have been struggling with the inability to lose weight.

HB-5 manages all five main hormones responsible for weight gain, balancing the hormones, and keeping you away from very health issues caused by hormonal imbalance.

This supplement is very affordable and you can get discounted rates on their official site.

This supplement is backed by the 180 days refund policy which you can rely on to get your money back or the healthy results.

GO HERE>>> To Visit the Official Website to get your HB5 Hormonal Harmony Today